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questionnaire LCRDM Task group Data Stewardship

  • Creator
  • #110170

    Lisa de Leeuw

    ** apologies for cross posting **
    Help to distribute our questionnaire / Help by providing input (if applicable)
    Dear colleague,
    On behalf of the National Coordination Point Research Data Management (LCRDM) we kindly invite you to participate in a survey on data management support positions in research institutes. The survey aims at both data experts – who provide dedicated support or as part of their job – and supervisors of data experts. Completing the survey takes approximately 15 minutes.
    In the development of Open Science, Research Data Management (RDM) has an essential role. More and more RDM support is carried out by employees with a specific data profile. Professionalization of data support positions in research institutes is of great importance to meet the European requirements of FAIR data management. To further shape the professionalization of data management roles and functions, the LCRDM initiates a nationwide survey to provide insight on what the Dutch research institutes ask for, implement and develop in the field of research data support positions.
    Please go to the LCRDM-page to fill in the survey: click here.
    The deadline for response is the 17st December 2018.
    To get a high response, we would be very grateful if you could forward this email to your data expert colleagues or share via social media. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
    On behalf of the LCRDM task group on Data Stewardship,
    This email and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged information and is intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify us by email or telephone and delete the original email and attachments without using, disseminating or reproducing its contents to anyone other than the intended recipient. LCRDM shall not be liable for the incorrect or incomplete transmission of this email or any attachments, nor for unauthorized use by its members.
    Additional information:
    This questionnaire is set up by the LCRDM Task Group Data Stewardship: this group works (from September 2018 – January 2019) on an inventory of data stewardship/data management support roles in Dutch institutions. The Task group works closely together with two projects with a similar goal: one of ZonMW – coordinated by DTL/UMCG and one at the WUR.
    Task group members are: Maarten van Bentum (UT), Mijke Jetten (RU), Nicole Koster (UT), Toine Kuiper (TUe), Jan Lucas van der Ploeg (UMCG), Gera Pronk (ISeeTea), Martine Pronk (UU), Saskia Rademaker (HHS), Marta Teperek (TUD), Marijke Verheij (RUG), Marije van der Geest (UMCG). On behalf of the LCRDM advisory group: Henk van den Hoogen (UM), Annemie Mordant (Memic/UM), Jacquelijn Ringersma (WUR). LCRDM-support: Ingeborg Verheul (LCRDM), Boudewijn van den Berg (LCRDM).
    See this link for more information.

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