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RDA 14th plenary co-located events: plan your plenary week

  • Creator
  • #107226

    Kathrin Beck

    Dear members of the RDA Finland group,
    The 14th RDA plenary is approaching fast. Please remember to take care
    of your registration if you haven’t done so already:
    As you plan your travel and other arrangements as well as your weekly
    schedule for the plenary week, consider participating in one or several
    of the interesting co-located events. Please find full program of
    co-located events here:
    Here are some choice events from the P14 co-located event offering:
    *EOSC Services, collaborations and the RDA on 21 October 2019*
    A discussion forum for all five ESFRI cluster projects, RDA Working and
    Interest Groups, and EOSC representatives on our journey to EOSC.
    *During this event we’ll be focusing on the technical, social and
    governance issues we all face. What can we learn from each other and
    take back to the data communities we serve?*
    More information here:
    *Project FREYA: connecting knowledge in the European Open Science Cloud
    on 21 October 2019
    *The FREYA project is a European project that focuses on building the
    sustainable infrastructure for persistent identifiers (PIDs) as a core
    component of Open Science, in the EU and globally.
    More information here:
    *International Research Data Community contributing to EOSC on 22
    October 2019
    During a one day interactive forum, the agenda will evolve to cover
    topics around the EOSC Governance Vision and Roadmap, as well as updates
    from the five Working Groups
    which are:
    FAIR ,
    Rules of Participation
    More information about the program here:
    Best regards,
    Kathrin Beck

    Kathrin Beck
    Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF)
    Giessenbachstr. 2, D-85748 Garching, Germany
    Phone: +49-89-3299-1233
    Fax: +49-89-3299-1301
    Mail: ***@***.***

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