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Next f2f RDA Europe SyA meeting 28 February 2017 in Brussels

  • Creator
  • #120491

    Dear All,
    Based on the Doodle poll sent out the best date is the Tuesday 28th February 2017 and the location is Brussels. Our suggestion is to have the meeting from 09:00  to 16:00.  I am sure  agenda items will grow but a starting point is:
    – Ways RDA / RDA Europe can contribute to the EOSCpilot governance and ecosystem (i.e. interaction mechanisms)
    – Definition of standards to be used by EOSC services (c.f. the “rules of engagement”)
    – Provision of education and training on services (c.f. the shortage of 500K data scientists)
    – Provision of social bridges related to the above (ie at RDA plenaries and other meetings)
    – Ensuring EOSC fits with global initiatives (c.f.  “open to the world”)
    The Wiki page for the meeting is:
    and the precise details about the venue and the registration link will follow.
    Best wishes,
    — Leif & Juan

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