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Establishing a Community of Practice (CoP) for Infectious Diseases Data

  • Creator
  • #134115

    Collaborative meeting notes:…
    1. Introduction, overview, and presentation of the RDA Community of Practice (CoP) (10 min) – Mark Leggott
    2. Recap – RDA COVID-19 WG Recommendations and Guidelines (10 min) – Natalie Harrower
    3. Audience discussion (5 mins)
    4. Lightning talks: (20 min)

    Case study 1 (10 min) – Natalie Meyers

    Case study 2 (10 mins) – Alexander Bernier​​​​​​

    5. Audience discussion (5 mins)
    4. Discussion of the case statement (15 min) – Priyanka Pillai

    What would be key aims to achieve with this CoP?

    How does this CoP relate to existing initiatives?

    4. What are your expectations from a CoP? How can a global CoP be adapted to a local context? (group discussion) possible breakout rooms (15 min)
    5. Where to next with the CoP? – Engaging with key stakeholders and the RDA community (10 mins)
    6. Meeting close

    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Epidemiology common standard for surveillance data reporting WG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    Sensitive Data Interest Group

    Contact for group (email)

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Priyanka Pillai

    Meeting objectives
    The ongoing pandemic has clearly demonstrated the need for harmonised social and technical infrastructure and a common understanding of a global infectious disease data management and analytics platform. Such a platform would help decision-makers identify the information the minimum near-real-time information needed during an infectious disease emergency to implement a rapid and coordinated response that complies with the international health and medical regulations. We are proposing a Community of Practice (CoP) with the following set of focus areas for discussion and action.

    a list of current data holdings and resources held and utilised by infectious diseases data researchers, practitioners, collaborators, networks and decision-makers.

    Identify existing data definitions, standards and dictionaries from the resources that are currently informing the pandemic response

    Identify data elements required to inform response and identify gaps in the data collection process. 

    Map the data elements that inform response to a decision making tree. This decision should contain provenance, licensing and contextual metadata to identify who the data owners are, where the data is being generated, with whom the data will be shared, how the data will help inform response, etc. 

    Develop a blueprint for a global infectious diseases data management and analytics platform 

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 1, Breakout 2, Breakout 3, Breakout 4, Breakout 5, Breakout 6, Breakout 7, Breakout 8

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