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PID Kernel Information Profile Management WG: AI applications

  • Creator
  • #134267


    Introduction and current status (10 min)

    Use cases from AI: overview (30 min.)

    Use cases gathered before the session

    Additional use cases 

    Role of PID KI in AI workflows for data discovery, integration, and use (50 min.)

    Planning next steps (10 min.)

    Additional links to informative material
    Group home page and phase 2 case statement: 
    GitHub repo: 
    Recommendation on PID Kernel Information: 

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    FAIR Digital Object Fabric IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    Global Open Research Commons IG

    Meeting objectives

    Collaborative Notes Link:…

    PID Kernel Information (PID KI) caches a small amount of information at a PID resolver making this information highly accessible to third parties and thus contribution to the practical implementation of FAIR data principles.  The information is defined through a profile. In this session the chairs have chosen to focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a broad and emerging discipline-independent application area to illuminate use cases and their underlying data discovery, integration, and use workflows.  These workflows drawn from AI will be used to inform necessary (and unnecessary) profile differentiation. The chairs encourage engagement by AI experts in this session.

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