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Next Call Monday, October 16, 2-3 pm CEST: WG Charter

  • Creator
  • #117737

    we will have our next conference call on Monday, October 16, 2-3 pm CEST
    (note the earlier time to accommodate people from Australia). During this
    call we will work on the WG Charter, i.e. draft a concise articulation of
    what issues the WG will address within a 18 month time frame and what its
    “deliverables” or outcomes will be.
    WG Case Statement:
    Since there have not been objections to the proposal that followed the last
    call, this WG is now going to focus on persistent identification of
    instrument instances.
    Cheers, m.
    PS: In order to speed up the work on the Case Statement, we are now having
    biweekly meetings.

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