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BoF session Harmonizing FAIR descriptions of observational data Wednesday 3 April 14:30-16:00 Philadelphia

  • Creator
  • #109101

    Barbara Magagna

    Dear all,
    We will soon have the BoF session of our prospective Working Group with the new title: Interoperability of observable properties description WG.
    Check the agenda here:
    The meeting will be held in Room: Commonwealth A2 on Wednesday 3 April 14:30-16:00 Philadelphia time. There is also the possibility to access remotely:
    There is a chance that some of us can participate from Europe, for Australia it is a bit early on Thursday:
    There will be session notes available here:
    Michael Diepenbroek and I are happy to announce that Gwenaelle Moncoiffe (Gwen) is now a co-chair of our group. She works at British Oceanographic Data Centre and co-manages the NERC Vocabulary Server. We are still looking for a forth co-chair from outside Europe.
    Fortunately Gwen will be present at the meeting and introduce the work done so far in the group. She is assisted by John Graybeal, John Watkins, Mike Brown and Mark Schildhauer at the session. Michael and I will try to be present remotely.
    I hope many of you are able to attend (remotely or locally). There are many interesting inputs from other groups and we plan to have a lively discussion about the tasks the prospective WG seeks to fulfil.
    Best regards,
    Barbara Magagna, DI
    Ecosystem Research & Environmental Information Management
    Ökosystemforschung & Umweltinformationsmanagement
    Phone: +43 – (0)1 – 31304 – 3447
    Fax: +43 – (0)1 – 31304 – 3533
    Environment Agency Austria (EAA)
    Umweltbundesamt GmbH
    Spittelauer Lände 5
    1090 Wien
    Firmenbuchnummer (Identification-No): FN 187010s
    Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Wien
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