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The WorldFAIR webinar series – Reusing Plant-Pollinator Datasets

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  • #133798

    Debora Drucker

    Dear colleagues

    Registration is open to our The WorldFAIR webinar series- “Reusing Plant-Pollinator Datasets: a Global Perspective with Guidelines and Recommendations inspired by Pilot Studies from Africa, the Americas and Europe”.

    It will be held on April 18 at 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm (Times in UTC) –<wbr>event/the-worldfair-webinar-<wbr>series-reusing-plant-<wbr>pollinator-datasets-a-global-<wbr>perspective-with-guidelines-<wbr>and-recommendations-inspired-<wbr>by-pilot-studies-from-africa-<wbr>the-americas-and-europe/

    We will present results from Deliverables 10.2 & 10.3, with focus on our pilot studies:

    Drucker, D., Salim, J. A., Poelen, J., Soares, F. M., Gonzalez-Vaquero, R. A., Ollerton, J., Devoto, M., Rünzel, M., Robinson, D., Kasina, M., Taliga, C., Parr, C., Cox-Foster, D., Hill, E., Maues, M. M., Saraiva, A. M., Agostini, K., Carvalheiro, L. G., Bergamo, P., Varassin, I.; Alves, D. A., Marques, B., Tinoco, F. C., Rech, A. R., Cardona-Duque, J., Idárraga, M., Agudelo-Zapata, M. C., Marentes Herrera, E. Trekels, M. (2024). WorldFAIR (D10.2) Agricultural Biodiversity Standards, Best Practices and Guidelines Recommendations (Version 1). Zenodo.<wbr>5281/zenodo.10666593

    Drucker, D. P., Salim, J. A., Poelen, J., Soares, F. M., Gonzalez-Vaquero, R. A., Devoto, M., Ollerton, J., Kasina, M., Carvalheiro, L. G., Bergamo, P. J., Alves, D. A., Varassin, I., Tinoco, F. C., Rünzel, M., Robinson, D., Cardona-Duque, J., Idárraga, M., Agudelo-Zapata, M. C., Marentes Herrera, E., Taliga, C., Parr, C.S., Cox-Foster, D., Hill, E., Maués, M.M. Agostini, K. Rech, A.R., Saraiva, A. (2024). WorldFAIR (D10.3) Agricultural biodiversity FAIR data assessment rubrics (Version 1). Zenodo.<wbr>5281/zenodo.10719265

    We reserved a good amount of time for Q&A – I hope to see you there and have a nice discussion!



    WorldFAIR Agricultural Biodiversity Case Study Lead

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