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RDA Reproducible Health Data Service Workflows Working Group

  • Creator
  • #111421

    Oya Beyan

    Dear RDA Health Data members,
    At the Berlin plenary we discussed aims and the planned activities of the
    reproducible health data services working group.
    The overarching aim of the group is to improve the capture and the storage
    of data provenance metadata for the health data brokerages/services. We aim
    to achieve two outcomes:
    – to identify the available set of standards to support capture of
    curation processes and perform a gap analysis
    – to develop an adoption and training guide with best practices
    Please find the case statement below:
    During the Berlin meeting, many participants mentioned their interests.
    Those who cannot attend the meeting can find the slide set below.
    We would like to initiate the working group. If you are interested to
    participate, please either put your name on the Initial Membership table at
    the end of case statement or simply send me an e mail.
    Next actions:
    – Let us know if you are interested by 25.05.2018, I will create a
    working group mailing list.
    – We will have our first meeting on June. I will circulate a doodle
    poll to the working group.
    – Please comment on the case statement. We will finalize the case
    statement at the June meeting.
    Please feel free to contact with me for questions and for any further
    Slide set from the Berlin Plenary:
    kind regards,
    Oya Beyan

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