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RDA FAIR DO Fabric IG: our vP22 session proposal was accepted!

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  • #96555

    Maggie Hellström

    Dear all,
    we’re delighted to share the news that our RDA VP22 session application “What do you want to know about FAIR Digital Objects, but didn’t (dare to) ask yet?” has been approved and accepted! 
    The details of the Plenary schedule are still being worked out, but as soon as we know the date & time we will let you know. In the meantime, you can check out the preliminary overview of the programme of this entirely virtual event at 
    Registration for the event is already open, with early-bird rates available until April 5 – see for more information.
    As you can see from our session description (… ), we are preparing for a highly interactive session centering around the issues of how data producers, curators and end users can get adequate and helpful information about what FDOs are, how & why to use them, and what the benefits are. 
    Meeting agenda: 
    * Introduction to IG FAIR Digital Object Fabric [ , 10 min]
    * Encouraging uptake of FDOs by researchers – what is required? [ , 10 mins]
    * Brief overview of FDO training & outreach activities up to date [ 5 mins]
    * Introducing interactive breakout sessions [ , 5 mins]
    * Zoom breakout round 1: building a bank of questions relevant to end users [20 mins]
    * Zoom breakout round 2: identify ways & means to respond to these questions [20 mins]
    * Summaries of the breakout outcomes [15 mins]
    * Wrap-up and outlook [5 mins]
    We hope that you will join us for this great opportunity to contribute all those questions about FAIR Digital Objects that you yourself didn’t ask yet, or that you think that your colleagues and others have! (And if you have the answers already, or figure that you know whom to ask, don’t keep it a secret!)
    Maggie, Lori, Rainer and Zack
    group co-chairs

    RDA’s 22nd Plenary – Registration

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