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GORC-WG meeting recap – November 24, 2022

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  • #98720

    CJ Woodford

    Hello everyone,
    Thank you to those that attended the meeting this morning. We heard updates from task groups TG1, TG2, TG4, and TG5, and were able to discuss three issues that have come up through the TG evaluations. All of the updates and discussion points can be found in the rolling notes, and the meeting recording is also available for viewing.
    Two key things to keep in mind is that the next GORC-WG meeting will be Dec 15, which will be the third Thursday of the month instead of the fourth, and that the TGs will be starting (or continuing!) to review their evaluation lists. The goal is for every TG to have at least one third of their evaluation list reviewed by the Dec 15 meeting.
    As always, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

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