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The FAIR for Research Software Principles after two years: an adoption update

  • Creator
  • #133818

    Bridget Walker

    The FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) Principles aim to promote and encourage the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR) of research software. The FAIR4RS Principles were released in 2022, with a number of organisations already planning adoption at that time. Adoption and implementation of the FAIR4RS Principles can increase the transparency, reproducibility, and reusability of research by providing research software that can be executed, replicated, built-upon, combined, reinterpreted, reimplemented, and/or used in different settings and by third-parties.

    This report provides an update on initiatives that are working to implement the principles across five areas of cultural change: policies, incentives, communities, training and infrastructure. It is noted that while many activities are increasing aspects of the FAIRness of research software, more work is still needed to make it easier to embrace the FAIR4RS Principles in their entirety.

    View the report in Zenodo:

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