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Recent conference session highlighting FAIR, CARE, and TRUST

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  • #101389

    Shelley Stall

    Hello all, 
    The co-chairs of the FAIR Data Maturity Model WG are excited to see the WG recommendations referenced and mentioned by the community.  We encourage you to share these events/mentions with this mailing list to help us know more about your experience and also to encourage others to engage with the model.  
    To this end, I would like to share a mention in a recent conference on Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021 (SRI2021), held 12-15 June 2021, held both online and onsite in Brisbane, Australia.
    Most speakers in the session highlighted the importance of data management and sharing in context of The CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance as well as the importance of the FAIR Data Principles.  In my talk I connected FAIR with CARE and also TRUST sharing the finding of a WG workshop that CARE benefits from FAIR being implemented in order to have a foundation to be operational. FAIR benefits from the principles of CARE in order to provide the elements of governance and sovereignty around data that ‘is about or for’ the people of a community – to include foremost Indigenous Peoples.  Also included in the presentation was a reference to the paper Operationalizing the CARE and FAIR Principles for Indigenous data futures written by the FAIR Data Maturity Model WG co-chairs and the International Indigenous Data Sovereignty IG co-chairs. 
    You can find the slides to the talk and information about the conference and session here:
    Stall, Shelley. (2021, June). Data Sharing: Empowering communities to use scientific data to create knowledge and foster better understanding. Presented at the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021 (SRI2021), Brisbane, Australia: Zenodo. 
    We encourage you share your own events/mentions about the recommendation and work of the FDMM WG. 
    Best regards,
    Shelley Stall
    Edit Herczog
    Keith Russell

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