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Revitalising data policy impact and alignment

  • Creator
  • #133879

    Recap on recent group activities (co-chairs) (10 minutes)
    Presentation of updated IG charter (10 minutes)
    Q&A and discussion to capture additional feedback on revised charter (co-chairs) (25 minutes)
    Introduction of a proposed new WG focused on the quality of Data Availability Statements (Catriona MacCallum, Wiley) (10 minutes)
    Q&A and feedback on proposed new WG (25 minutes)
    AOB (10 minutes)

    Applicable Pathways

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Libraries for Research Data IG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    Increasing the availability of research data for reuse is in part being driven by research data policies, and the number of funders and journals and institutions with some form of research data policy is growing. The research data policy landscape of funders, institutions and publishers is however too complex (Ref: and the implementation and implications of policies for researchers can be unclear.  While around half of researchers share data, their primary objectives are often to carry out and publish good research, and to receive renewed funding, rather than making data available. Data policies that support publication of research need to be practical and seen in this context to be effective beyond specialist data communities and publications. 

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Rebecca Taylor-Grant

    I Understand a Chair Must be Present at the Event to Hold the Breakout Session

    Meeting objectives

    To introduce the group’s proposed new charter to its members, following an online consultation period, and solicit final feedback;

    To demonstrate the value of the group’s renewed role at RDA, by introducing a proposed new Working Group focusing on the quality of Data Availability Statements.

    Please indicate at least (3) three breakout slots that would suit your meeting.
    Breakout 2, Breakout 5, Breakout 8

    Privacy Policy

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