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Data for Sustainable Development (SD) and Responsible Research (RR)

  • Creator
  • #133960

    Collaborative session notes:…
    Meeting agenda (90 minutes)

    Introduction of groups, updates on ongoing work and developments  (Lindsay Barbieri & Norman Mukasa) 5 mins

    Update on the development of the ontSDGs  – presentation by pilot test among IG groups (Devika Madalli and Anthony Juehne) 10 mins

    Aligning RDA SDGs with policy and application- challenges of extending RDA outputs (Ingvill Constanze Ødegaard) 10 mins

    Data analysis and management capacity building gaps in East Africa and how it is linked to the SD & RR dilemmas (Norman Mukasa ) 10 mins

    South-South and North-South collaborations and initiatives on open access – the case of the ISSU summer school (Devika Madalli & Norman Mukasa) 10 mins

    Presentation of a technical tool to support ethical and responsible research (Data Management) in the Humanities (Florian Siemund) 10 mins 
    Audience participation/discussion (30 mins)
    Closing the session (5 mins) 

    1. First group option
    RDA for the Sustainable Development Goals IG

    Additional links to informative material
    RDA Plenary 13th – Data for Sustainable Development: Opportunities, Challenges and Responsibilities. (2019). YouTube. Retrieved 6 June 2019, from
    Joint Session IG Data for Development, IG Health Data, IG Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems’ Data – RDA 13th Plenary Meeting. (2019). RDA. Retrieved 6 June 2019, from
    RDA Output Adoption Webinar Series: Outputs to Support Reproducible Health Research. (2019). RDA. Retrieved 6 June 2019, from
    RDA Outputs Overview
    OntoSDG- Ontology For Sustainable Development Goals,

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The RDA for the SDGs IG has been an IG since RDA P16. Since then, there has been ongoing engagement with other RDA IGs and WGs, as well as the RDA Council to help align the activities of the RDA for SDGs IG group with the RDAs proposed strategy for 2020-2023. Most recently, the RDA for SDGs IG conducted a tentative mapping of RDA WGs, Outputs, Recommendations, and Adoption case studies to the 17 SDG goals, presented at RDA P18. Since P18, there has been ongoing development of the tool OntoSDG, and now our IG would like to gain more direct feedback from organizational and community members to evaluate this tool and mapping the alignment of RDA for the SDGs. Further, we will collaboratively develop strategic next steps to build upon and expand this current work to best frame the value of the RDA for the SDGs. Previous sessions have been well-attended, demonstrating the community interest and cross-sector data needs for the SDGs. 
    The Data for Development IG has actually renewed its focus to incorporate more of capacity building and network for research in the South. It has built a sustainable collaboration in East Africa and Europe based on which a series of summer schools on survey methodology and research data management is organized. The Data for Development interest group focuses on closing the gaps in data inequality, by promoting activities for more access to and usage of data from a variety of sources of relevance to development studies, human rights, conflict research, and vulnerable and hidden populations. Whereas many intergovernmental organizations have a tradition of open data access routines and policies to data they have collected, data collected by non-governmental organizations are often not available for further usage. The Data for Development IG is involved in several initiatives to promote skills of early career researchers and support open and responsible research. These initiatives are empowered by the existing collaboration between institutions of the Data for Development members. These organizations include: Dlab – with a large data lab. In East Africa is just a kind of facility to support open and responsible research; EASRN – with members of 14 institutions in East Africa is a coordination effort for inter-university infrastructural development; NEMRA – with a membership of more than 300 researchers is collaborating to build; capacity of early career researchers; GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences – an international partner with renown experience in supporting open data science and repository management.
    As outcomes, this session presentations seek to: collect critical support/collaboration and share successes and challenges of Sustainable Development (SD) and Responsible Research (RR) projects: potential user case examples will be: – the summer school involving East African groups and the East African Science Research Network; update on the development of the SDGs  – presentation by pilot test among IG groups; OntoSDG presents a semantic infrastructure for the representation of the UNSDGoals, targets, and indicators. OntoSDG enables interlinking the goals with respective projects, initiatives, labs, organizations, and researchers in any related domain that contributes to the UNSDGs.

    Estimate of the required room capacity

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Norman Mukasa

    I declare that I have informed the chairs of all the Working / Interest groups included in this joint meeting application.

    Meeting objectives
    The planned session at RDA 20th Plenary Meeting – Gothenburg (Hybrid) will be informative, and used for dissemination, awareness, and seeking collaboration.  It will be organized by co-chairs of both Data for Development IG and RDA for the Sustainable Development Goals IG. 

    Promote data collection and modeling related to sustainable development and discuss the potential for building responsible research capacity for users and producers of sustainable development (SD) data.

    Seek critical support/collaboration and share successes and challenges of sustainable development (SD) and responsible research (RR) projects: Possible case studies for users will be: the Summer School with East African groups and the East African Science Research Network.

    Present the current status of the development of ontSDGs, a semantic infrastructure for representing UNSD goals, targets and indicators. OntoSDG enables the linking of targets to relevant projects, initiatives, laboratories, organizations, and researchers in all related fields that contribute to the UNSDGs.

    Reflect on the South-South and North-South collaboration and open access initiatives – the example of the International Summer School Uganda (ISSU).

    Privacy Policy

    Target Audience
    The session targets a wide audience of practitioners, activists, government agencies, and researchers interested in sustainable development.  With the RDA, to have synergies, our target includes members of other IGs like  Data Conservation IG

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