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WGDC Break-Out Session at the next RDA Plenary:

  • Creator
  • #101852

    Andreas Rauber

    Dear all,
    We will have another break-out session of our Data Citation WG at the
    upcoming Plenary. It has been scheduled for
    Wed, April 21, at 12:45-14:15 (GMT) – Break-out 4
    We should have quite an interesting basis for discussion, starting from
    our (pretty nice – no bias here) summary paper on all the adoption
    activities that is currently under review, but also some new adoptions
    and referenc implementations as well as – maybe – some institutions who
    are interested in / planning to impelment the recommendations in their
    If you would like to give a short presentation, be it an update to an
    earlier presentation, be it issues that you faced during an adoption or
    while reviewing/discussing the recommendations, or whether you are
    planning to implement the recommendations and would like to share some
    ideas about these plans, please let Mark and myself know so we can add
    you to the agenda.
    If you want to present any slides it would be good if you could share
    them with us (ppt and open office formats preferred) until
    *** Sun., April 18, ***
    so that we can integrate them into a single slide deck to minimize
    challenges in switching screen sharing rights.
    Looking forward to meeting you again soon – even though it will still be
    only virtually 🙁
    beast greetings,
    Andreas Rauber

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