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Data Versioning Breakout Session at the 9th Plenary in Barcelona

  • Creator
  • #119694

    Lesley Wyborn

    Dear all
    Data Versioning is a component of Dynamic Data citation. However, there are no specifics for best practices for data versioning, particularly for large volume multi-terabyte and even petabyte scale data sets.ersioning procedures and best practices are well established for scientific software and can be used enable reproducibility of scientific results. Are these suitable for data sets or do we need a separate suite of practices for data versioning? Ultimately versioning will need to be attached to persistent identifiers.
    I am not sure how many of you are coming to Barcelona, but I would like to draw your attention to Breakout 3 on Data Versioning at 4:00 pm on Wednesday
    The goal of this session is to establish an RDA interest group on developing agreed practices for Data Versioning and develop a work plan. You are all most welcome to come to this session.
    Please note that Jens Klump has also put out a call for policy examples on… ?
    A preliminary IG page has been set up on Please feel free to join this group whether you are coming to Barcelona or not.
    Take care

  • Author
  • #132006

    Dear all
    Data Versioning is a key component of Data Provenance. However, there are no specifics for best practices for data versioning, particularly for large volume multi-terabyte and even petabyte scale data sets.ersioning procedures and best practices are well established for scientific software and can be used enable reproducibility of scientific results. Are these suitable for data sets or do we need a separate suite of practices for data versioning? Ultimately versioning will need to be attached to persistent identifiers.
    I am not sure how many of you are coming to Barcelona, but I would like to draw your attention to Breakout 3 on Data Versioning at 4:00 pm on Wednesday
    The goal of this session is to establish an RDA interest group on developing agreed practices for Data Versioning and develop a work plan. You are all most welcome to come to this session.
    Please note that Jens Klump has also put out a call for policy examples on… ?
    A preliminary IG page has been set up on Please feel free to join this group whether you are coming to Barcelona or not.
    Take care

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