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Data Share Fellowship Program Applicant, Lorinette Wirth

  • Creator
  • #119785

    Dear Data Citation WG Leadership:
    I am a PhD student studying Health Outcomes Research at Saint Louis
    University with research interests in utilizing social media data for
    predicting patient reported outcomes such as Health-related Quality of Life
    (HrQoL). HrQoL, a concept that embodies the patients’ perception of their
    own health, is a dynamic and robust measure for evaluating disease burden
    and the quality of health care overall.
    Traditionally, these measure are provided via surveys and are expensive to
    implement. However, patients express similar and arguably more detailed
    information about how they perceive their health on Social media, a much
    cheaper and more accessible potential source of patient reported outcomes.
    Harnessing the power of machine learning and natural language processing
    provides an opportunity to explore social media data for its ability to
    reliably predict HrQoL and much more.
    While this is exciting, there is no framework for how social media data
    should be used in Public Health research. Therefore, I would like to
    collaborate with the Data Citation WG and Health Data IG to create such a
    framework guided by the Data Citation of Evolving Data Recommendations.
    After speaking about this research interest with my mentor, Dr. Leslie
    McIntosh, I was introduced to the Data Share Fellowship Program. Hence, I
    am writing to request your support for this project.
    At your availability, I would like to learn more about this WG and discuss
    my proposed project in further detail.
    I hope to hear from you soon.
    Lorinette Wirth

    *Lorinette S. D. Wirth, MPH | **Epidemiology/Biostatistics*
    *Doctoral Student | **Public Health Studies – Health Outcomes Research*
    *Saint Louis University Center for Outcomes Research (SLUCOR)*
    *Saint Louis University*
    *Email: ***@***.*** *
    Add me on LinkedIn
    “To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and
    day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any
    human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”
    ee. cummings
    “Just do it!”

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