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10 Things for Curating Reproducible and FAIR Research

  • Creator
  • #99693

    Limor Peer

    Dear All,
    The CURE-FAIR WG is excited to share its final output, “10 Things for Curating Reproducible and FAIR Research.”
    This document establishes standards-based guidelines for curating reproducible and FAIR data and code. Informed by the work of sub-groups on definitions, practices, and challenges in this area, the guidelines offer a framework for implementing effective curation workflows for publishing FAIR research output that supports scientific reproducibility.
    The process for endorsing the “10 CURE_FAIR Things” as an official RDA Recommendation requires that the document is posted for community review until May 13, 2022.
    The RDA community is invited to review and leave comments on the RDA website.
    Thank you!
    CURE-FAIR WG co-chairs

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