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Third and final msg re. Nov 2014 WG Coordination Mtg sent to multipe mail lists

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  • #128279

    Larry Lannom

    This is the third and final message that was sent to the WG Chairs and TAB lists and is archived here to put all of those in one place. Future updates will just be sent to the Group’s mailing list.
    This is the last of these blast messages that will go out to this set of mail lists. The Secretariat has set up a Coordination Group entitled 2nd Working Group Collaboration Meeting. If you want to follow any future developments related to this meeting please join the group at
    The previous two messages sent to these collective mailing lists plus this message will be archived there. Future messages will just be posted to the group mailing list.
    Note that joining the group is not the same as reserving a space at the meeting nor is it the same as requesting travel funding for the meeting. If you want to attend please RSVP directly to me. US attendees needing travel support should contact me and European attendees needing travel support should contact Peter Wittenburg, although as mentioned earlier, European support is fairly limited for this particular meeting.
    A few additional pieces of information:
    NIST is a closed campus. Non-US citizens attending meetings there will have to fill out a short form ahead of time. I have the form and will get it to you and then to the right NIST office once it is filled in.
    The recommended hotel is a nearby Hilton
    in part because they run a shuttle to NIST and, if we’re lucky, will be able to shuttle attendees to the right building on the very large NIST campus. They also run a shuttle to the Shady Grove metro stop, which is the end of the Red Line that goes downtown.
    Other nearby hotels can be found off of the NIST visitors page
    Best Wishes and hope to see some of you in Nov.
    Larry Lannom
    Director of Information Services & Vice President
    Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI)
    Suite 100, 1895 Preston White Dr, Reston, VA 20191
    tel:  703 620 8990

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