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New RDA working group on Small Uncrewed Aircraft and Autonomous Platforms Data – kickoff meeting

  • Creator
  • #97135

    Ryan O’Connor

    Dear RDA Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems’ Data IG members,
    (With apologies for cross-posting)
    We are reaching out to individuals who we believe would be uniquely qualified and hopefully interested to contribute to the proposed RDA Working Group on Small Uncrewed Aircraft and Autonomous Platforms Data. An online kick off meeting for the Working Group will be held on 6 November @ 12:00-13:30 UTC.
    The proposed WG is in its early planning stages and availing of support services from the RDA TIGER project.
    The expected outputs of the Small Uncrewed Aircraft and Autonomous Platforms Data WG are specifications for drone services and resulting data for research, and a demonstrator to show how these guidelines support the design and implementation of cloud-based infrastructures for Small Uncrewed Aircraft and Autonomous Platforms data. The primary target audience for the group is researchers working with data collected by Small Uncrewed Aircraft and Autonomous Platforms, but is open to any individuals whose work touches on this area. The open nature of the intended guidelines will support interoperability, which in turn is expected to lower entry barriers for SMEs as service providers for Small Uncrewed Aircraft and Autonomous Platforms-based missions.
    We invite all those with an interest in the above topics to join this session. We also encourage you to share this message with anyone who might contribute to the WG development and, ahead of the meeting, to read over the current version of the WG’s draft Case Statement.
    Kind regards,
    Ryan O’Connor
    Senior Facilitator, RDA TIGER
    Research Data Alliance Association (Europe) AISBL
    Skype: live:roconnor101 | ORCID:
    Work days: Monday – Thursday. Please do not feel obliged to reply to this email outside your working hours.

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