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We are in the process of rolling out a soft launch of the RDA website, which includes a new member platform. Existing RDA members PLEASE REACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT using this link: Visitors may encounter functionality issues with group pages, navigation, missing content, broken links, etc. As you explore the new site, please provide your feedback using the UserSnap tool on the bottom right corner of each page. Thank you for your understanding and support as we work through all issues as quickly as possible. Stay updated about upcoming features and functionalities:

P7 Planning video conference tomorrow noon EST

  • Creator
  • #123803

    Dear colleagues,
    The seventh plenary of the RDA is coming up and the theme ‘making open data work’ is certainly very relevant to user facilities. We are holding a video conference tomorrow, Tuesday December 15 at noon Eastern Standard Time. The goal is to put together interesting and relevant sessions. Please join the video conference by following the link below or if you cannot make it, provide your input by email.
    Video conference:
    Best wishes
    Thomas, Brian, Frank and Amber

    Thomas Proffen / Director Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization / Neutron Sciences Directorate / Oak Ridge National Laboratory / PO Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6475 / Tel: +1-865-576-8633

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