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RDA UK Node update – adoption week

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  • #103920

    Christopher Brown

    Dear All,
    Welcome to the latest news and update from the UK node.
    RDA Global Adoption Week, 15-19 June 2020
    As you may already be aware, this week, 15-19 June 2020, is ‘RDA Global Adoption Week’.
    RDA Global Adoption Week is a virtual event and provides an opportunity to learn about RDA Outputs, converse with speakers from all around the world who have created and implemented them, and determine how best to integrate those data sharing solutions into your own projects. The week will be organised around five themes from the Research Data Lifecycle, as used in the RDA recommendations and outputs catalogue.
    * Monday June 15: Data Management
    * Tuesday June 16: Data Description
    * Wednesday June 17: Identity, Store, and Preserve
    * Thursday June 18: Disseminate, Link and Find
    * Friday June 19: Policy, Legal Compliance, and Capacity
    Choose your sessions and register here:
    UK Adoption Stories
    On the subject of adoption stories, there are two recent UK adoption stories available on the RDA website. Both were recorded at the International Digital Curation Conference in Dublin.
    1. Embedding Research Data Management plans in ethics approval and funding application processes. An interview with Tom Renner from Haplo on how they adopted the RDA Common Standard for Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans.
    2. Curating a research institutional scholarly record connecting externally deposited datasets. An interview with Chris Gibson from the University of Manchester Library on adopting the Scholix Metadata Schema for Exchange of Scholarly Communication Links.
    If you have adopted an output from a working group, please do get in touch and fill in the adoption story form.
    Joint RDA UK and OpenAIRE Virtual Workshop
    A reminder that all the slides from the last node workshop, and a link to the recording, are available on the event page.
    RDA UK node extension
    The original end date for the UK node was 31 May 2020. This has been extended for all nodes till 30 September 2020. We are able to run more virtual webinars during the extension, so if you have a topic or an idea for what we should include please let us know.
    I’m still hoping to run informal, drop-in meetings for UK members to share what they’re working on or to just catch-up. The response to my original proposal wasn’t great and I’m aware a lot of people may be overloaded by online meetings, but let me know if you’re interested.
    RDA UK membership
    We’re pleased to announce that the UK membership of RDA is now over 900 (917 to be precise). Welcome to all new members! The UK has the largest membership in Europe and is the second largest in the world after the US.
    RDA Plenary 17
    The Digital Curation Centre in collaboration with Jisc and UKRI-STFC will be hosting RDA’S 17th Plenary meeting on 20-22 April 2021. The format for this event is still being discussed and planned but we’ll keep you updated.
    Stay safe!
    Christopher Brown (Jisc) and Juan Bicarregui (UKRI-STFC)
    Christopher Brown
    Senior co-design manager
    T 020 3006 6072
    M 07891 501177
    Twitter @chriscb
    3rd Floor, 15 Fetter Lane, London, EC4A 1BW
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