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RDA UK: Forthcoming Events

  • Creator
  • #110232

    Juan Bicarregui

    Dear RDA UK Members,
    As members of the RDA in the UK Group you will be receiving emails from the node coordinators. If you do not wish to receive further emails please see below how to unsubscribe. As this is our first email we’d like to welcome you to what we hope will be a productive and engaging group.
    The RDA UK node is the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC), supported by Jisc. As part of the project we will be running a number of webinars and workshops to promote the work of the RDA and engage with the UK research community.
    Please visit the RDA UK page for details about the group and upcoming events. Details of the first webinar and workshop, where we’ll be launching RDA UK, are as follows.
    Webinar – Introduction to the RDA UK
    Please join us for our first webinar on 12 December 2018, from 11:00 till 12:00 (GMT), where we will launch the UK national node and talk about our activities and plans, as well as the work of the RDA.
    The webinar will include the following speakers and topics:
    * Hilary Hanahoe (RDA Global)
    * Sara Garavelli (RDA Europe project)
    * Juan Bicarregui (RDA UK Node)
    * Kevin Ashley (RDA Organisational Assembly)
    The link to join the webinar is
    See… for details.
    On the 18 January 2019 (13:00 – 16:30 GMT), we will be running a half-day workshop to provide an overview of the RDA, an update from the most recent RDA plenary held in Botswana, a summary of RDA working/interest groups (including outputs, successes, and links to other projects and initiatives), and discussions on how to get involved and shape the direction of the UK node.
    The workshop will be held at Jisc’s London office – 15 Fetter Lane, London, EC4A 1BW.
    Speakers at the workshop will include Hilary Hanahoe (Secretary General Research Data Alliance) and Juan Bicarregui (UKRI-STFC), Chairs from working groups and RDA Experts.
    The workshop is free but you will need to register to attend. The agenda and registration link will be circulated as soon as possible.
    Finally, if you have any questions about any of the above please do not hesitate to contact Juan Bicarregui (***@***.***) or Christopher Brown (***@***.***)
    Juan Bicarregui and Christopher Brown
    If you wish to unsubscribe, you can easily do that by login into your profile, accessing the “Group membership” tab there and selecting the Group you want to leave.

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