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More Competence Tigers and Training Devils Wanted!

  • Creator
  • #106235

    Lisa de Leeuw

    ** apologies for cross posting **
    Dear colleagues,
    Several datastewards already applied, but for two new Task groups for LCRDM and NPOS we are still looking for some more Competence Tigers and Training Devils to join us!
    Are you interested in developing competences and/or training yourself? Do you have a colleague who happens to be expert in one of those fields?
    Subscribe to one of the task groups.
    And please alert your HR or policy or training colleagues on these pitches.
    Your (and their) expertise is welcome.
    See: for the pitch proposals.
    [afbeelding van een loep en de woorden Competence en Success]
    Experience the fun and energy you get from becoming active in a national network!
    On behalf of the project coordinators, Mijke Jetten (Radboud University), Salome Scholtens (UMCG), Celia van Gelder (DTL) and Margreet Bloemers (ZonMW),
    Ingeborg Verheul
    Landelijk Coördinatiepunt Research Data Management | Community Management | SURF | T (mobiel) + 31 6 10606207 | ***@***.*** | | T @lcrdm

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