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Further details about IG RDA/CODATA MDII session at P13

  • Creator
  • #109625

    Best wishes for 2019 and we look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming RDA Plenary 13 in Philadelphia, PA, USA.
    As you know, our RDA MDII session was approved with the agenda posted on the site:
    Further details on the agenda are included below:
    Item 1) Jim Warren (NIST) and Laura Bartolo (Northwestern U) will propose & lead discussion of adopting an informal “nickname” of RDA/CODATA Materials Data for our IG (5 min)
    Item 2) Gerhard Goldbeck (Goldbeck Consulting) will give a presentation on ontologies as part of the RDA/CODATA Materials Data IG (10 min)
    Item 3) Gerhard Goldbeck (Goldbeck Consulting), John Henry Scott (NIST), Clare Paul (Wright Patterson Air Force Research Laboratory) and possibly others will lead the discussion on a possible TG on a)upper level ontology based on existing ontologies/terminologies and b) recommended governance system of defined domain branches with aim of common/core ontology for all of materials science. (1 hour)
    Item 4) Jim Warren (NIST) and Laura Bartolo (Northwestern U) will propose & lead discussion for ​expanding with additional regional IG Co-chairs: Adham Hashibon (EU;  Takuya Kadohira (Asia; and Alysia Garmulewicz (South America (15 min)

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