Blog “Accessing and analysing the OpenAIRE Research Graph data dumps” + bonus R library
Last week Najko Jahn from the State and University Library Göttingen posted a blog showcasing the recent work that has been done in his team about scholarly communication analytics.
I think this is very relevant to this WG and worth spreading the voice.
In the post, he describes an OpenAIRE Research Graph-powered analysis in R, which focuses on H2020 publications and H2020-funded projects, and shows for each funding scheme to what extent the relevant project are open access.
Then the analysis is repeated for Göttingen University, and shows the institutional rate of compliance with the open access mandate about H2020-funded projects.
Contextually, the analysis relies on an R library for processing and parsing the OpenAIRE Research Graph dump, and it is released for free on GitHub for everyone to use and extend.
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