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Metadata Standards Catalog update

  • Creator
  • #119297

    Alex Ball

    Thanks to everyone who came along to one of the joint sessions involving the Metadata Standards Catalog at Plenary 9.
    If you weren’t able to join us, but would like to know how far we’ve come in developing the new Catalog, I’ve added a transcript of my presentation to the group wiki:
    From that page you can also download my slides and the (silent) video of my demonstration.
    Our focus is now on getting the Catalog ready to go live on the Web, and you can help in any of the following ways:

    Adding records to the existing Metadata Standards Directory. There are still some suggestions on the Directory issue tracker that need to be looked at. Any new records will also be added to the DCC Disciplinary Metadata Catalogue and the new Metadata Standards Catalog.
    Cleaning up records migrated to the Metadata Standards Catalog. These can be found in the Catalog’s GitHub repository in the ‘db’ folder, and are in YAML format. In particular, it would be great to see information on versions and data types added to the records.
    Reviewing the Python code. If you spot any flaws that should be addressed before the Catalog goes live, do let me know or, even better, send a pull request to the GitHub repository.

    Any contribution you can make, however small, will be much appreciated.

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