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Interoperability of observable properties description – meeting days

  • Creator
  • #108983

    Barbara Magagna

    Dear all,
    This is a gentle reminder for checking the doodles below to choose the meeting days for our teleconferences, I will close them by tomorrow noon. The meeting time was already fixed by me, just the day(s) have to be selected. Unfortunately I mixed up the descriptions of the doodles (indicating wrong times), but I have corrected this early this week. So I invite everybody to check whether these days indicated by you are still valid.
    We meet twice a month:
    o first week: European/American friendly (18:00 CEST, Vienna/9:00 PDT, San Francisco). Please check doodle:
    o third week: European/Australian friendly (9:00 CEST. Vienna/18:00 AEDT, Melbourne). Please check doodle:
    So the next meeting will be already next week. I will announce the result tomorrow evening with an agenda for our first meeting after the BoF session.
    Best regards,
    Barbara Magagna, DI
    Ecosystem Research & Environmental Information Management
    Ökosystemforschung & Umweltinformationsmanagement
    Phone: +43 – (0)1 – 31304 – 3447
    Fax: +43 – (0)1 – 31304 – 3533
    Environment Agency Austria (EAA)
    Umweltbundesamt GmbH
    Spittelauer Lände 5
    1090 Wien
    Firmenbuchnummer (Identification-No): FN 187010s
    Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Wien
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