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Zero Hunger Aim

  • Creator
  • #102113

    Suchith Anand

    Dear Colleagues,
    5 years ago, the GODAN Summit in New York,  brought together world leaders, governments, universities, researchers, farmers, students and others – public, private and non-profit united around a collaboration on agriculture and nutrition data openness. The Summit was a commitment made by five visionary GODAN partners that planned and organized the event – the Governments of the United States, United Kingdom and Kenya, and the ONE Campaign and Presidents United to Solve Hunger (PUSH) [1].
    The BBC article on GODAN Summit and the High level forum at the United Nations at
    Nearly 800 million people struggle with debilitating hunger and malnutrition in every corner of the globe. That’s one in every nine people, with the majority being women and children. We are convinced that the solution to Zero Hunger lies within existing, but often unavailable, agriculture and nutrition data.
    Hidden hunger is a growing issue in developed economies.  I would like to thank all UK universities who have shared their research projects and publications on their work on  food poverty alleviation initiatives in the UK. We have updated them at the WG on Food Poverty website at
    The recording of our latest WG webinar at
    I would like to thank  University of Southampton colleagues for sharing their work on topics addressing food poverty alleviation, using Geospatial Science and open data.
    Our next webinar will be from the University of York (more details will be send soon).
    I request all to please share any information on research projects, publications on food poverty alleviation initiatives in the UK and worldwide. We are looking forward for your participation in this Working Group and contribute your expertise for our collective mission to end hunger and poverty, both locally and globally.
    I am grateful to everyone, everywhere working for Zero Hunger Aim.
    Best wishes,
    Dr Suchith Anand
    Chief Scientist
    Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition 

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