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FAIRsharing WG output is now an RDA recommendation

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  • #108748

    Dear RDA colleagues,
    On behalf of my co-chairs and I, it is with great pleasure that I am able to announce that the FAIRsharing joint RDA/Force11 WG output has been fully recommended by the RDA.
    The output from this WG is now among the 12 RDA “flagship” Outputs (full list at:, which are the official, endorsed results of the groups, substantiated by community adoption and use.
    For more detail on the use and adoption of FAIRsharing by the community, please see our recent (OA) paper in Nature Biotechnology:
    For further information on FAIRsharing activities, including adoption by policymakers and a more up to date adoption list, please see our communities page –
    Best wishes,
    On behalf of the RDA FAIRsharing WG co-chairs
    PS Apologies for cross-posting

    Peter McQuilton, PhD Project Coordinator
    Data Readiness Group
    Oxford e-Research Centre
    Department of Engineering
    University of Oxford, UK
    ORCID: 0000-0003-2687-1982

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