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We are in the process of rolling out a soft launch of the RDA website, which includes a new member platform. Existing RDA members PLEASE REACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT using this link: Visitors may encounter functionality issues with group pages, navigation, missing content, broken links, etc. As you explore the new site, please provide your feedback using the UserSnap tool on the bottom right corner of each page. Thank you for your understanding and support as we work through all issues as quickly as possible. Stay updated about upcoming features and functionalities:

New IG member

  • Creator
  • #98365

    > Hello everyone,
    > I have been dormant with RDA for a little while finishing my PhD research so have missed this great initiative ! So important to build bridges between our different communities so I would like to get involved.
    > I will be presenting a workshop at the upcoming conference in NY and wanted to see if I can take this opportunity to contribute to the IG by sharing the FAIR Principles for Research Hardware and get feedback. Would this be of interest ? My background is in law so much of my contribution has not been in actual tinkering with hardware although I love to mess around with solder, but in helping people figure out what they can do in terms of access. A recent issue I am looking at is the right to repair in the context of human enhancements and medical implants. I am developing an arts-based research approach to allow me to adopt methods that help provoke discussion and make regulations and governance more anticipatory and inclusive to deal with the disruptions in society caused by AI and Data innovations.
    > I’ll leave it with that for now,
    > Looking forward to learn more
    > Freyja

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