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DFIG core session

  • Creator
  • #121002

    Dear DFIG members,
    I finished a very intensive time with this plenary in Denver since I had many other activities in parallel which prevented me to be more active. These will all come to an end during the coming few months. Let me briefly summarise a few major points that were discussed in the DFIG core session. For details you can also look at the attached slides.
    We elected two new co-chairs:
    – Bridget Almas from Tufts University US
    – Li Jianhui from CAS China
    – my thanks go to Alan and Zhu for a perfect collaboration during the last two years, I think that we have done a lot in DFIG
    – as it seems we have a young candidate from Europe as well, i.e. at the Barcelona plenary I will stop as well
    – We can only hope that Bridget and Jianhui come with new impulses and that you will support them.
    In our core session we briefly gave an overview about the action lines which we had in DFIG and where we focused on. It was obvious that the participants understood the dynamics oft he topics we tackled and they see the need for the most recent action lines: getting agreements on guidelines and building concrete compositions.
    In fact there were two points which required elaborations:
    1. Repository Registry
    It was obvious that there are basically two categories of registries of information about repositories. 1) One for human consumption mainly and here we have with re3data a very good service already. 2) Another one for machine consumption including lots of details about the services of a repository allowing large federations to operate smoothly. The third category being discussed was more of an initiative to make the RDA web-site more attractive for users, but this track has not yet been taken off. The big challenge is now to get enough use cases from large federations to understand how to optimally describe repository services and characteristics so that those descriptions can be exposed allowing federations and service providers to grap what they need for their intentions.
    2. Building compositions of components in different contexts and for different purposes will require to talk about “connectors” as well. It will most probably be some brokering layer that will enable this kind of flexible integration needed. DFIG should take this up as well.
    A more elaborate information about the 5 sessions DFIG was involved in will come.
    best regards from Denver



  • Author
  • #132423

    Thanks Peter!
    Jianhui and I have big shoes to fill but I am looking forward to the
    work ahead with this group!

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