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finances RDA EU

  • Creator
  • #122564

    Hallo Jamie, Keith, all,
    Jamie you raised the point of which meetings could be self-financing and both of you asked for a finance overview.
    Attached is a document about RDA EU finances. It does not include all details since there is a long list. Actually we have a.o. the following entries in the budget:
    – support plenaries that are hold in Europe (about 30 k€)
    – support travels of chairs etc to chairs meetings (on request)
    – support travels of early career people to plenaries (on request)
    – support national/community meetings (on request)
    – support training courses of various types (mostly planned but also on request)
    So I agree with your argument that the plenary could be self-financing finally. Support for travels of people who take roles and for national/community meetings needs to go on for a while.
    Is this sufficient?
    It is not so easy to have a clear picture on RDA Global funding since much happens in kind, i.e. basically only the Gen.Sec. is funded in cash. Secretary, web-maintenance, etc. is funded via PMs which partly creates problems since a) contributions are fragmented and b) Gen. Sec. does not always have a clear picture what kind of resources he has access to. We need to discuss whether this will need to be changed. Council started with a number of sub-groups to synch about a.o. finances.


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