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Webconf to discuss draft case statement and WG activities

  • Creator
  • #128825

    Andreas Rauber

    Dear all,
    now that the revised version of our case statement is up for public comment, and also to prepare for the upcoming plenary meeting we would like to start a series of more regular webconference meetings to discuss progress, evaluate our approaches etc.
    We have created a Doodle to identify the most suitable times for the first meeting. Could you please respond to the Doodle Poll at the following URL 
    – Discussion of the Case Statement
    – Moving ahead with pilots: conceptual walk-through
    – Venue/contributors for joint paper on initial pilots
    – Agenda items for the upcoming plenary
    – schedule / preferred timing for upcoming web meetings
    – AOB
    Looking forward to to our meeting!
    best regards,
    Andreas, Ari, Dieter,

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