Your Email
Meeting Title
Mapping the Landscape of Digital Research Tools: Report and Plans
Group Submitting the Application
RDA-Ofr Mapping the Landscape of Digital Research Tools WG
Names and Emails of All Chairs of the Submitting Group
Full Name of a Group Chair |
Email of a Group Chair |
Rory Macneil | |
Adam Vials Moore | |
Francis Crawley | |
Hea Lim Rhee | |
Emmanuel Adamolekun | |
Group TAB liaison
Full Name of TAB Liaison |
Email of TAB Liaison |
Anupama Gururaj | |
Session Abstract |
Meeting Objectives
The aims of the meeting are (i) to present the WG's deliverables (described below), which will be submitted for review in mid-July, (ii) to have an open discussion about the Community Review, which will have taken place between then and the time of P23, and (iii) to present and discuss plans for the proposed follow on WG which will continue the work started by the WG.
Meeting Presenters
- Rory Macneil, Adam Vials Moore, Marcelo Garcia
Meeting Agenda
Time (min) Agenda item Lead
10 Welcome and introduction to WG Rory Macneil (Co-chair)
15 Presentation of Deliverables Adam Vials Moore (Co-chair)
20 Community Review overview and discussion Marcelo Garcia (active group member)
15 Presentation of proposed follow on group (MaLDReTH II) Macneil and Moore
30 Discussion of focus and plans for MaLDReTH II All
Target Audience
Researchers (e.g., data creators and users): To understand, navigate, and select suitable research tools for managing and sharing data by providing information about their functionalities, relevance, and applicability to the various stages of the research data lifecycle.
Data support professionals (e.g., data managers): To gain improved understanding of the digital research data infrastructure landscape, and become better equipped with essential knowledge of different types of research tools to provide relevant support, training and education.
Open Science/Research/Data Commons professionals: To understand the features, functionalities and interoperability of different types of research tools that can be used within diverse marketplaces or ‘commons’ for data and services.
Tool developers/providers: To: (i) understand the different research tools operating within the digital research data landscape; and, (ii) improve tool features, functionalities, harmonisation and interoperability to enhance data management and sharing practice.
Research performing organisations: To make informed recommendations at the organisational policy level to staff regarding appropriate types of research tools for the management and sharing of research data.
Publishers: To make informed recommendations to authors and journal editors regarding appropriate types of research tools for the management, publication and sharing of data associated with journal manuscripts.
Funders: To make informed recommendations to researchers and project managers based on data management plans for funded research.
Related Plenary
P23 RDA Plenary Meeting San José (12-14, November 2024)
About the Group |
Group Chair Serving as Contact Person
Full Name |
Email Address |
Rory Macneil | |
Group Activities & Scope
The digital research data infrastructure landscape comprises a myriad of tools for managing and sharing research data during various stages of the research data lifecycle. Such research tools vary widely depending on data type, user requirement, provider, and subject area. The diversity and variety of research tools can prove overwhelming and challenging for stakeholders working within the digital research data ecosystem to understand, navigate, and select the most appropriate tool to meet their needs and objectives. The categorisation of research tools, based on their features, functionalities and how they interoperate, remains unclear. In many cases, research tools are not interoperable, often leading to siloed working within organisations and disciplines, thereby limiting the scope of research and the ability to share and reuse data.
This RDA Working Group (WG), supported by Oracle for Research (OfR), was formed to address these challenges by: (i) categorising different types of research tools and mapping different types of research tools to the research data lifecycle based on their features and functionalities. During 14 months of operation, the WG has developed (i) a harmonised research data lifecycle and crosswalk to existing models, (ii) a categorisation schema of digital research tools commonly used in each phase of the research lifecycle; and (iii) an online tool to facilitate and explore mapping the digital research data infrastructure landscape. The group also prepared a report and recommendations for future work.
Over the 14 month period, the group held monthly WG meetings, as well as numerous interim meetings involving task groups and other small groups working on various aspects of the project. More than 60 people attended these meetings and participated in the development of the deliverables.
Short Group Status
At the time of writing (July 3), the SG is in the final stages of polishing the following deliverables for submission by July 15:
1. A harmonised research data lifecycle model and crosswalk to existing models (Deliverable 1).
2. A categorisation schema of digital research tools mapped to the harmonised research data
lifecycle model (called the MaLDReTH model) (Deliverable 2)
3. An online tool to facilitate and explore mapping the digital research data infrastructure landscape (Deliverable 3)
4. A report and recommendations for future work.
Links to these deliverables are provided in the Additional Links to Informative Material section below.
Upon completion the finalised deliverables will be submitted for Community Review.
The group is planning to submit an application for a follow on WG to continue work on the MaLDReTH Model. The follow on work will include: (i) Adding detailed categorisation of tools identified as being representative of each phase of the research lifecycle, e.g. are the tools open source or not, and are they interoperable with other tools; (2) collaboration with the GORC II WG to explore and develop synergies between the MaLDReTH model and the Tools and Services Element of the GORC model;,and (iii) exploring options for sustainability of the MaLDReTH model.
An application for RDA Tiger support for the new WG, called MaLDReTH II, was not approved, but the general concept was received favorably. The WG was encouraged to submit a revised application for RDA Tiger support for the follow on WG for the 31 August deadline, and in the revised application to provide more detail about MaLDReTH II’s proposed outputs. We are working with Ryan O’Connor from RDA Tiger to refine the output details, as requested, and will include those in the updated submission in time for the 31 August deadline. At the same time we are working on and will submit the application to establish the follow on WG.
Session Audience |
Estimate of the Required Venue Room Capacity
Between 60-100 seats
Type of Meeting
Working Meeting
Additional Links to Informative Material
- Deliverable 1:
- Deliverable 2:
- Deliverable 3:
- Recommendation Package:
Applicable Pathways
- Data Infrastructures and Environments - Generalist
- Data Lifecycles – Versioning, Provenance, Citation, Reward, and Preservation
Preferences & Conflict Considerations |
Avoid Conflict with the Following Group
- Research Data Architectures in Research Institutions IG
- Working with PIDS in Tools IG
Hybrid Plenary Details |
Selection of Breakout Session Slots
- Breakout 2. Tuesday, 12 November, 20:30-22:00 UTC
- Breakout 3. Wednesday, 13 November, 14:00-15:30 UTC
- Breakout 7. Thursday, 14 November, 18:30-20:00 UTC
Chair Acknowledgment
Yes, I understand that at least one group chair must attend P23 in-person. We cannot accept sessions chaired fully online
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