Collaborative notes
Your Email
Meeting Title
Recommendations for handling Complex Citations
Group Submitting the Application
Complex Citations WG
Names and Emails of All Chairs of the Submitting Group
Full Name of a Group Chair |
Email of a Group Chair |
Shelley Stall | |
Lesley Wyborn | |
Martina Stockhause | |
Justin Buck | |
James Ayliffe | |
Joan Damerow | |
Group TAB liaison
Full Name of TAB Liaison |
Email of TAB Liaison |
Anthony Oko-Isu | |
Session Abstract |
Meeting Objectives
The Complex Citations WG’s draft recommendations for the digital object collection (hereafter “reliquary”) approach for handling Complex Citations will be presented and discussed with the RDA community. Complex Citations are those with large numbers of digital object citations stored in multiple repositories including the required integration of this technical approach into existing indexing and knowledge graph systems in order to enable credit assignment and the analysis of relationships between the digital objects.
Meeting Presenters
- Shelley Stall
- Justin Buck
- Martina Stockhause
- Joan Damerow
Meeting Agenda
1. Welcome and Introduction of the Complex Citations WG (5 min)
2. What is a “reliquary”? (10 min + 10 min discussion)
3. Introduce WG’s draft recommendations
a. From an indexer’s perspective (5 min + 5 min discussion)
b. From a knowledge graph provider’s perspective (5 min + 5 min discussion)
c. From a data creator’s and data repository’s perspective (5 min + 5 min discussion)
4. What next? (Discussion on follow-up WG case statement, 30 min)
5. Closing Remarks (5 min)
Target Audience
All stakeholders: publishers, repositories, infrastructure providers, indexers, knowledge graph providers, scientists.
Related Plenary
P23 RDA Plenary Meeting San José (12-14, November 2024)
About the Group |
Group Chair Serving as Contact Person
Full Name |
Email Address |
Martina Stockhause | |
Group Activities & Scope
Starting in December 2020 during a Data FAIR Town Hall at AGU’s large meeting we reached out across the community for interest in supporting virtual working sessions that would lead to recommendations, adoption, and a better of citing large numbers of data/digital objects in journal articles and other publications. Discussions within the AGU Data Citation Community of Practice ( led to the establishment of the Complex Citations WG at RDA-19.
This WG addresses the use case of citing a large number of existing objects (e.g., datasets, software, or physical samples) in a way that allows the credit for individual objects to be properly assigned and the objects become traceable using Knowledge Graphs. Infrastructure and guidance are still required to make it easier for researchers to use this type of citation and to receive or give credit for the object used in the research. Solving the problem of these “reliquary” citations is critical to enabling reproducible research. Moreover, enabling these complex “reliquary” citations will be important for researchers to be able to trace citation and usage of their work and report on its impact to funders. For policy makers, it will allow the effects of policy decisions to be accurately tracked through citation and analysis of the supporting data.
Short Group Status
The Complex Citations WG is working on its recommendations and requests a 6 month extension for the finalization (18 months end in August 2024).
Session Audience |
Estimate of the Required Venue Room Capacity
Between 60-100 seats
Type of Meeting
Working Meeting
Additional Links to Informative Material
- Website:
- Use Cases:
Applicable Pathways
- FAIR, CARE, TRUST - Evaluation and Policy
- Semantics, Ontology, and Standardization
- Data Lifecycles – Versioning, Provenance, Citation, Reward, and Preservation
Preferences & Conflict Considerations |
Avoid Conflict with the Following Group
- ESIP/RDA Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences IG (or CoP)
- Coordinating Earth, Space, and Environmental Science Data Preservation and Scholarly Publication Processes WG
Hybrid Plenary Details |
Selection of Breakout Session Slots
- Breakout 4. Wednesday, 13 November, 16:00-17:30 UTC
- Breakout 5. Wednesday, 13 November, 18:30-20:00 UTC
- Breakout 6. Thursday, 14 November, 16:00-17:30 UTC
Chair Acknowledgment
Yes, I understand that at least one group chair must attend P23 in-person. We cannot accept sessions chaired fully online
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