- Primary Domain: Social Sciences
- Group Focus: Data Management, Disseminate, Link, and Find, Policy, Legal Compliance, and Capacity
Group Description
The existing difference in data availability, access, use, and distribution between developing and developed countries hinder development for all. For instance, the availability and use of data and statistics on issues such as poverty, education, health, fragile states, pandemics, or natural disasters would trigger a new wave of data-driven scientific innovation and research. However, developing countries experience several bottlenecks, such as limited data infrastructure, data illiteracy, as well as unwillingness by government, private sector, and civil society to make data and statistics readily available.
This Interest group focuses on access to and use of data for the benefit of developing countries, especially vulnerable groups. Vulnerable groups in developing countries can include the rural poor, indigenous people, women, elderly people, immigrants, and children born of war among others. This interest groups intends to work towards achieving interoperable data for development of the low-income countries and vulnerable populations; through creating a platform to promote data and statistics that benefit all, interrogating practices, engaging in capacity building, and suggest sound recommendations that align with many of RDA’s ongoing and upcoming outputs, recommendations, interest group, and working group activities.
Please find the updated Charter here
Group Email
- Group Type: Interest Group
- Group Status: recognised-and-endorsed
- Co-Chair(s): Ingvill Constanze Ødegaard, Norman Mukasa, Robert Sentamu, Mahadia Tunga, Agapiti Manday
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