Susanna Mornati
Programme Manager/Project Manager
RDA Member Since: 2016-03-04
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 groups
Interest Group
Active Data Management Plans IG
Stage: IG Established
The proposed activity of this group is to act as a nucleus for discussing requirements for and identifying developments needed to support active (i.e. able to evolve and be monitored) data management planning. Working groups will be proposed to carry out work on specific areas of interest. Currently research data management plans (DMP), created at…
March 27, 2024
Interest Group
Repository Platforms for Research Data IG
Stage: IG Established
Context and purpose Research data repositories are at the heart of data sharing as they provide platforms to acquire, store, archive, publish, curate, preserve, and access data. Thus, the major goal of the Repository Platforms for Research Data (RPRD) Interest Group (IG) is to improve the usability and technical capabilities of repository platforms. To achieve…
March 27, 2024
Regional Group
RDA in Italy
Benvenuti! Questa è l'area dedicata alle attività e agli eventi del Nodo Italiano di RDA. Vi invitiamo ad iscrivervi alla comunità gruppo, cliccando sul pulsante qui a destra, per ricevere le notifiche del gruppo ed essere informati sulle novità che RDA sta portando avanti in Italia. Vi invitiamo inoltre a segnalarci iniziative ed eventi che…
March 27, 2024
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 groups