Mette Hartlev
RDA Member Since: 2020-04-30
Prof. Mette Hartlev (female) is Full Professor, PhD, LL.D. Her research is focused on regulatory and ethical strategies in regards to implementation and application of new technologies in the health care services (such as PM and big data); legal issues related to the health care services and patients' rights; and health and human rights. Prof. Hartlev is highly experienced in working in inter- and cross-disciplinary research project with researchers from the medical, health and technical sciences, the humanities and the social sciences. She is currently involved in four interdisciplinary research projects – EU-STANDS4PM, MeInWe, POLICYAID and Heart-PM – which are concerned with ethical, legal and social implications of personalized medicine in a welfare state context and with intensified sourcing of health data and. She has more than 120 scientific publications and is the Chair of the Danish National Committee on Health Research Ethics, which are assessing research projects concerned with use of comprehensive genetic analyses on biobank material, and projects in the field of personalized medicine.