[CfP] 3rd Workshop on Reframing Research (RefResh 2022) @ TPDL 2022
Apologies for cross-posting.
===== Call for Papers =====
3rd Workshop on Reframing Research (RefResh 2022) at the 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2022), https://refresh2022.infrascience.isti.cnr.it
Date: 20th September 2022
Venue: Padua, Italy (COVID-19 updates may follow)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/refreshworkshop
More information at https://refresh2022.infrascience.isti.cnr.it
Contact: refresh22@easychair.org
– Submission deadline: 17th June 2022, 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (UTC-12)
– Notification of acceptance: 18th July 2022
Nowadays, research and scientific progress are characterised as multifaceted, high-frequency, global-scale phenomena that can be approached computationally thanks to the vast amount of data available.
Recent studies have proved that a holistic study of research as a complex phenomenon inserted in a delicate socioeconomic and geopolitical context, rather than as an isolated, context-unaware system, can provide a deeper understanding of how research and researchers influence and are influenced by the world outside academia. An analysis as such can provide answers to socioeconomic questions, frame academic research on the geopolitical canvas, provide insight on the factors that generate successful science, allocate better the available resources, and therefore benefit from greater impact and efficacy.
The main objective of the proposed workshop is to bring together researchers from both quantitative and qualitative studies, practitioners and policy-makers working in the field of academic research, scholarly communication, and knowledge production to reframe research in relation to the underlying socioeconomic and geopolitical canvas.
In particular, we intend to encourage interdisciplinary analysis that considers research as a complex system that influences and is influenced by society, economics, culture, and politics.
We encourage the submission of contributions covering, but not limited to, one or more of the following topics:
– Mutual influence of research, politics, and society
– The societal impact of research
– Research equality, fair opportunities and access to funding
– Gender, racial, geographical trends and biases
– Analysis of researchers mobility and careers trajectories
– Predatory publishing and bogus conferences
– Misrepresentation of science and public opinion mining
– Research and fake (scientific) news
– Acceleration of scientific progress
– Structure and evolution of research
– Cross-discipline evolution & diffusion of research concepts
– Impact of interdisciplinary research
– Analysis of patterns and trends in academia
– Application and analysis of the FAIR data principles
– Impact of Open Access and Open Science mandates
– Policymaking and strategic decisions for research
– Traditional publishing caveats, critiques and alternatives
The workshop welcomes contributions of the following kinds:
– Full research papers: up to 12 pages
– Short research papers: up to 6 pages
– Vision/position papers & extended abstracts: up to 4 pages
Paper lengths are all-inclusive, meaning that figures, tables, references and optional appendices count towards the page limit.
The workshop calls for full research papers, describing original work on the listed topics, and short research papers, on early-research results, new results on previously published works, demos, and projects. In accordance with Open Science principles, research papers may also be in the form of data papers and software papers (long or short). The workshop also calls for vision/position papers; these do not have to include results already, but should carefully elaborate on the motivation and the ongoing challenges of the described perspective. Finally, the workshop welcomes extended abstracts on previously published works and promising research directions.
Submissions must adhere to CEUR-WS single-columns format. Submissions must be handed in for review as PDF files and must be self-contained and in English.
Submit your contribution to RefResh via Easychair here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=refresh22.
The proceedings of TPDL 2022 workshops and doctoral consortium will be published jointly in the CEUR Workshop Series.
It is our intention to make available as an Open Access post-print collection on Zenodo (https://zenodo.org/communities/refresh) as well.
For any further matter, visit https://refresh2022.infrascience.isti.cnr.it or feel free to contact us at refresh22@easychair.org
Best regards,
Andrea Mannocci
Francesco Osborne
Paolo Manghi
(RefResh 2022 chairs)
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