Working Group Recommendation January 19, 2015

PID Information Types (PIT) WG Recommendations

  • Primary Domain: Natural Sciences
  • Group Technology Focus: Data (Output) Management Planning


PID Information Types WG
Group co-chair: Timothy DiLauro, Tobias Weigel
Authors: Tobias Weigel, Timothy DiLauro, Thomas Zastrow

Contributors: The PID Information Types WG members

Recommendation Title: Persistent Identifier Type Registry
Impact: Defines standard core PID information types to enable simplified verification of data identity and integrity
Recommendation package DOI:
Citation: Tobias Weigel; Timothy DiLauro; Thomas Zastrow (2015): PID Information Types WG final deliverable. DOI:10.15497/FDAA09D5-5ED0-403D-B97A-2675E1EBE786

The working group on Persistent Identifier Information Types of the Research Data Alliance concerned itself with the essential types of information associated with persistent identifiers. The working group developed a conceptual model for structuring typed information, an application programming interface for access to typed information and a demonstrator implementing the interface. The final deliverable consists of a summarizing report, the interface specification and a set of exemplary types.


Rights: Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Waiver (CC0)

Please download the full PID Information Types (PIT) WG Recommendations package below, either as a complete zip file PIT Outcomes or as individual sections.

RDA is running a community review on the recommendations and highly values your input on this first set of recommendations.

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