November 21, 2024
RDA TIGER Cross-Fertilisation Webinar Series – Semantic Interoperability – Wednesday 27th November at 09:30 UTC
Dear colleagues,
***apologies for cross-posting***
This webinar may be of interest to WG members:
RDA TIGER Cross-Fertilisation Webinar Series – Webinar #1: Semantic Interoperability
RDA TIGER is pleased to announce an upcoming series of webinars on cross-fertilisation and knowledge-sharing between RDA Working Groups across different domains. Each of the three webinars will be thematically focused, allowing WGs to share their work with peers and identify shared challenges and opportunities for further collaboration.
We’re inviting anyone with an interest in the specific activities of RDA Working Groups, in the topics and themes to be discussed, or in the planned outcomes of these Working Groups to join us for this series, where there will be an opportunity to ask about any aspects of the WGs’ activities.
The first of the series will take place on Wednesday 27th November at 09:30 UTC and will focus on the theme of ‘Semantic Interoperability’. Presenting at the webinar will be the co-chairs of the FAIR Mappings WG, the Alignment of Multilingual Vocabularies in the Social Sciences and Humanities WG, and the InteroperAble Descriptions of Observable Property Terminology (I-ADOPT) WG. See the RDA webinar page for more details.
Future instalments of the series will take place in December 2024 on the topics of (Meta)Data Standards and FAIR/CARE/TRUST Principles Adoption. Keep an eye on the RDA events page and our social media channels for updates on these.
Best wishes,
Ryan O’Connor
RDA TIGER Senior Facilitator
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