Working Group Recommendation
August 20, 2024
AI Bill of Rights Recommendation
- Output Type: Working Group Recommendation
- Output Status: Preparing for Council Review
- Review Period End: 2024-09-20
- DOI: 10.15497/RDA00123
- Primary Domain: Domain Agnostic
- Group Technology Focus: Policy-Related
- Stakeholders: Funders & Policy makers, Industry, Infrastructures, Libraries, Research Performing Organisations, Researchers & Scientists
- Language: English
Date Added
AI Bill of Rights - AIDV WG Recommendations FINAL
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August 27, 2024 at 1:26 pm
Beth Plale says:
The section of the document on the US (lines 872-1097) is largely a survey of federal initiatives in AI regulation. So the relevant bits for the US community is the charge to the international RDA community (lines 168-177) copied below. The charge is a fairly non-actionable charge. I am unaware of any membership-wide attempt to develop an RDA AI Bill of Rights. The guidance on RDA-wide understanding of jurisdictional layering could become more real with a compelling video to accompany this RDA product. Beth Plale / RDA-US
For Research Data Alliance: We acknowledge that RDA is well positioned to champion the primacy of protection of human rights in globally impactful AI Governance mechanisms. We recommend the membership and organization consider hosting and offering AI Governance learning opportunities and feedback sessions prior to introduction of any membership-wide attempt to develop an RDA specific organizational AI Bill of Rights. We recommend that the organization consider that in an organization like RDA with such an international membership it will be of paramount importance that members understand jurisdictional layering. RDA has a duty to honor and not to ignore differences and protections already granted to its individual members as citizens, residents, researchers, and students under the regional, national, state and municipal laws that may already govern its members where they live, work, and study.