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Alexander Kmoch
Dear all,
I feel Josh gave some good directions I feel also should be accounted
for in the RDA Geospatial IG. Geospatial / Interoperabiliy work is done
on many levels across many forums, but in particular within the OGC and
OSGEO communities. These are nicely connected. There are many
developments happening in other places which are of interest to general
geospatial data in research. The focus on geospatial in research data
should be brought out more and the purpose of the IG – is it
communication? Standards and tech are developed elsewhere to be honest,
but supporting those groups/communities with the requirements identified
in particular in the research domain would be helpful, I believe. Every
now and then Data Management Plan recommendations and metadata
provision, use cases/best practices, those things could be worked on and
updated on regular basis?
Best regards,