
Susan Kung

Hi All,
A lot has happened in the world since this email landed in my inbox Thursday night, and I just now found it after slogging through all the emails about emergency closures and procedures. I’m sure that I am not the only one in this position, and I would like to propose that the deadline for this meeting be postponed for another few days or even a week if possible.
I hope that you are all in good health.
Kind regards,
SUSAN KUNG, PhD, Archive Manager, Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America (AILLA) ailla.utexas.org
The University of Texas at Austin | LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections | 512-495-4604 | llilasbenson.utexas.edu
on behalf of laurengawne via Linguistics Data IG

Reply-To: “***@***.***
Date: Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 8:54 PM
To: Linguistics Data IG

Subject: [linguistics_data] March 2020 online asynchronous meeting of the RDA Linguistics Data Interest Group (LDIG)
Dear all,
We are holding an online asynchronous meeting of the Linguistics Data Interest Group (LDIG) from today until March 17. These meetings are an opportunity for you to help shape the direction of the group and its work, and to ensure the experiences of a wide range of linguists are reflected in the LDIG outputs.
The meeting document is an editable online Google document, and has three aims:
1. Solicit ideas for how we can gain uptake of the Tromsø recommendations for citation of research data in linguistics (these may be added to our living poster that was to be presented at RDA P15 but may make a cameo somewhere else).
2. Keep LDIG members and the wider linguistics community up to date on what we are working on.
3. Get feedback on other issues and ideas to take to the RDA at a future Plenary.
There are two possible ways to participate:
1. Enter text or add a comment to this Google document. Make sure you include your name and list yourself as a meeting participant (with your email address) at the end of the document.
2. Email feedback to Lauren Gawne (***@***.***), which will be incorporated into the final version (anonymously if requested).
Please encourage your colleagues to join the LDIG by joining the RDA (it’s free!).
We look forward to seeing your feedback,
Helene N. Andreassen, Andrea Berez-Kroeker, Lauren Gawne (LDIG co-chairs)

Full post: https://www.rd-alliance.org/group/linguistics-data-ig/post/march-2020-on
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