
Karna Wegner

Dear IGAD members,
this is a kind reminder to fill the IGAD Capacity Development survey until the 19th of October:
Your contribution is very important for us and participation will take you no longer than 5 minutes.
We thank everybody who has already filled the survey.
Best regards
Suchith, Chipo and Karna
IGAD Capacity Development Working Group Chairs
Von: Wegner, Karna (DPSC)
Gesendet: Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2018 16:18
Dear IGAD members,
The IGAD Capacity Development Working Group currently performs a landscape assessment on the current state of play for training needs within the related IGAD WGs. Therefore we kindly invite you to participate in our survey until the 19th of October:
The landscape assessment is a first step to work towards the development of good practice guidelines for identifying and addressing training gaps in agricultural data management and interoperability.
The results will be presented and discussed in the next IGAD pre-meeting in Botswana.
We appreciate your participation that will take you no longer than 5 minutes.
Thank you and best regards,
Suchith, Chipo and Karna
IGAD Capacity Development Working Group Chairs