
Hi Yolanda,
Unfortunately I don’t see the RDA Governance pictures (I ran through the grid view 3 times) that we took on that Thursday (the 8th of November) around 11:30. I wonder whether the photographer can track these photos based on the date.
As I know you are super busy, I can contact them asking for these photos and copy you. Would that be ok?
PS: The RDA Organisational Assembly group main page still hosts the photo from Berlin https://www.rd-alliance.org/groups/rda-organisational-assembly.html
– Show quoted text -From: alexandra.delipalta=***@***.***-groups.org On Behalf Of Alex Delipalta
Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 7:31 PM
To: YMeleco ; Communications
Subject: Re: [communications] IDW photos and videos
OK, tomorrow works for me too if tonight is too late for Sara?
On 6 Mar 2019, at 16:59, YMeleco wrote:
I can do that, if Sara will also be free. This most likely has a Trust-IT component, so her insight would be appreciated.
From: Alexandra Delipalta
Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 11:41 AM
To: “Meleco, Yolanda Anne” , “***@***.***-groups.org
Subject: Re: [communications] IDW photos and videos
Hi Yolanda,
Happy to help, I will have some time to work on this tomorrow and on Friday. Should we have a quick chat to see what needs to be done after the Secretariat call today?
On 6 Mar 2019, at 16:08, YMeleco wrote:
Sara and Alex –
The photos and videos from IDW were finally sent to us last week.
I realize we’re all busy with P13 preparations, but perhaps at minimum, we can discuss the best approach in getting these files posted to the RDA and IDW websites and identifying who would be available to do the work?
Let me know your thoughts.

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Full post: https://www.rd-alliance.org/group/communications/post/idw-photos-and-videos
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