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Brian Corrie
Hello All,
Just wanted to say Hi and introduce myself. I and my colleagues are working in the world of the Adaptive Immune Response from an immuno-genetics perspective. We use modern sequencing technologies to deep sequence B and T cell immune repsonse. I am joining this group repersenting a couple of organizations.
Recently, the Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire Community (http://www.airr-community.org) put out a call for sharing of AIRR-seq data in support of research fighting COVID-19 (https://www.antibodysociety.org/covid-19-demands-increased-public-sharing-of-biomedical-research-data/ and https://b-t.cr/t/any-covid-19-airr-seq-data/841/5). The AIRR Community is discussing establishing a community initiative to create a COVID-19 focussed public AIRR-seq data repository for sharing such data. I am the co-chair of the AIRR Community Common Repository Working Group, which is trying to establish an AIRR Data Commons for AIRR-seq data.
Through my work with the iReceptor (http://www.ireceptor.org) and iReceptor Plus (an EU H2020/Can project – http://www.ireceptorplus.org) projects, we are working with the AIRR Community to establish a publicly available COVID-19 focussed AIRR-seq repository. Our current problem – there isn’t any public AIRR-seq data yet! Lots of research (https://www.zotero.org/groups/2468565/dkfz_-_fightcovid/items/KL8C45FD/library), but no public data as of yet.
Very keen to be involved in this initiative!