
Joao Miranda

Good day!

Are the kind colleagues aware that FAPESP (BR)
has already launched the mega-repository of COVID-19 data?


Very much thanking your kind attention,
the link and the text follows at once!



<< COVID-19 Data Sharing/BR is an initiative of the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) in collaboration with the University of São Paulo and participation of Fleury Institute, Sírio-Libanês Hospital and Israelita Albert Einstein Hospital. Its goal is to publish open COVID-19 data to contribute to and foster research related to this topic.

This initiative makes available three kinds of anonymized data: demographics (gender, year of birth, and region of residency), clinical and lab exams, and hospitalization information – when available (including primary endpoints, and patient transfers).

Each institution has made available a data dictionary that documents its records.

Any kind of publication that uses this data must reference it by the following citation:

“This work used data obtained from the COVID-19 Data Sharing/BR, available at https://repositoriodatasharingfapesp.uspdigital.usp.br/.”

Contact e-mail: covid19datasharing@fapesp.br  >> (sic)